We are Care to Translate!

We work to create more equal healthcare by enabling dependable and fast communication between patient and healthcare professionals, no matter the language.

Our mission

Currently, there is a shortage of interpreters in several countries around the world, while the need for translation assistance and interpreters in healthcare continues to increase. Language barriers between healthcare professionals and patients can have devastating consequences. For the patient, this means long waiting times and losing control of their own care, and for healthcare professionals it means a stressful work environment with a high risk of misdiagnosis and malpractice.

We want to counteract this.

Our mission is to break down language barriers and make health care more dependable and accessible for everyone

What we do

Our vision is that every patient and healthcare professional should be able to communicate, no matter the language. When developing our products, we take guidance in equality, quality, flexibility, respect, collaboration, growing together and transparency.

Care to Translate is our digital medical translator for healthcare professionals and patients. The app serves as a complement to human interpreters in health care. Our goal is to:

  • Increase equality
  • Strengthen patient safety
  • Save time
  • Reduce healthcare costs
  • Build an environment of trust
  • Communicate safely
  • Prevent misdiagnosis
  • Reduce waiting times
  • Increase the quality of healthcare
  • Have more effective appointments
  • Avoid extended hospitalisations

Our partners

Thank you to...

...everyone who's been a part of our journey.

180 degrees consulting



IFMSA – Sweden

Kunskapsnätverk för samers hälsa

Sveriges läkarförbund student

What Took You So Long?

Elisabet Tiselius

Lina Abdel-Halim

Nema Abdihakim

Rodrigo-Andrés Alvarado

Anja Apitz

Sara Babiker

Maria Belikova

Deniz Biber

Jekaterina Blohina

Darko Bogdanovic

Susanna Charboti

Yasa Ekrem

Laia Faseh

Feven Fazega

Giulia Gaudenzi

Carolina Genuardi Fogstam

Shwan Ghaderi

Hickmat Hamie

Sarah Hamzei

Nasser Hoseini

Midean Ismail

Said Jafari

Ahmed Jamal

Esmail Jamshidi

Hani Jazzar

Gabriel Johansson

Victoria Jonsson

Vasiliki Kamilali

Anne-Katrin Kantzer

Francesca Longhin Guth

Jennie Ramirez Löfström

Carina MacDougall

Ingrid Mellgren

Nina Milenkovic

Mary-lou Musat

Adalia Najim

Nabi Nebait Amanuel

Johanna Nilsson

Izabella Nordstrand

Hampus Norlander

Morteza Nuori

Jakub Olzcak

Davide Piccardo

Sina Raiss

Isaias Redai

Ida Regnér

Ali Salievski

Nikolitsa Solomonidi

Jesús Sánchez González

Ruut Seger

Angiza Shahim

Rasta Shahim

Ebba Sääf

Dusica Vujicic