From “Språk i vården” to “Care to Translate”. This is the story of us and our digital medical translator.
A few milestones in our journey
The idea
When our founder Linus Kullänger attended his first year of medical school in Stockholm, he was placed at a health center in a migrant-dense area and was shocked by the language confusion. Together with classmates, he started the initiative “Språk i vården”. An evening course in language and culture, and the seed for Care to Translate.
In the fall of 2016, we started building an app. We launched the app on Facebook in the spring of 2017, with support from Sveriges Läkarförbunds Studentförening. It was basic, but quickly spread via social media. We immediately knew that the demand was great.
At the start of 2018, Språk i vården AB was founded by Linus Kullänger och Martin Schalling. Shortly afterwards, Annie Backman och Maja Magnusson also joined as co-founders. And in December 2018, the first version of today’s app, Care to Translate, was released.
In 2019 we got our first large investment backing from several angel investors. Among others Yubico investor Simon Josefsson, Capio founder Per Båtelson, Kry co-founder Josefin Landgård and business angels Boel Rydenå and Sophia Bendz.
In 2022 we did what no other digital translation tool had done before in Swedish health care, we won our first procurement! Region Värmland manages all of the publicly funded health care in Värmland county and the app will now be available for all departments.
It was time to set sights on Norway. The procurement was initiated by Oslo University Hospital, but all regions in Norway can use this particular tender to procure solution for their various healthcare organizations.
After having built Care to Translate and guided us through a pandemic, it was time for Linus Kullänger to step down from his position as CEO of the company. He passed the torch to Maja Magnusson, co-founder and former COO, who will lead the company into an exciting new phase of growth.
In 2024 it was officially time to appoint a board to guide the company to new heights in our journey to make healthcare more accessible and efficient through our digital translation app.
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