Product demos

Explore how our medical translation app, Care to Translate, works in a short demo.

Demo, in English, of the medical translation app Care to Translate. The demo was made at the webinar "Talk to all your patients in the hospital".

“We love that the content has been verified by bilingual healthcare professionals. We can be sure that the translation is correct, and fits the context. “
Kjetil Bjørdal, intensive care nurse at Helse Møre & Romsdal

Demo, in Swedish, of the medical translation app Care to Translate. The demo was made at the webinar "Talk to all your patients in the ambulance".

Demo, in German, of the medical translation app Care to Translate. The demo was made at the webinar "Kommunikation mit allen Patienten im Rettungswagen".

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Demo, in English, of the medical translation app Care to Translate. The demo was made at the webinar "Overcome language barriers in mammography".

Demo, in English, of the medical translation app Care to Translate. The demo was made at the webinar "Talk to all patients in the ambulance".

“I think it’s probably the most advanced app for the medical field, I haven’t found a better one.”
Dr Thomas Herr, Team Lead of the medical team at Sea-Eye

Demo, in Swedish, of the medical translation app Care to Translate. The demo was made at the webinar "Talk to patients about pain".

Demo, in English, of the medical translation app Care to Translate. The demo was made at the webinar "Reduce language barriers in anesthesiology, post-op and the ICU".

Contact us

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If you are an individual health care professional or patient, please read more and download our app here.

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