We are happy to announce that we won a procurement for Region Värmland, making it available for all clinics in the region. It's the first procurement of a digital translation tool that has been done in Swedish healthcare.
Press release
Region Värmland manages all of the publicly funded healthcare in Värmland county. They have approximately 2 200 doctor-patient meetings a day across departments such as vaccination, dental care, maternity care, child health services, ambulance services, and many more. The tool will now be available for all of them. “We are not substituting interpreters with this app,” says Micaela Fristedt, administrator and project manager at Region Värmland. She continues:
“It will be used in situations where interpreters cannot be used, such as short, spontaneous visits or emergency situations. The app makes the patient feel safer, which makes the process smoother and quicker.”
For the procurement, Region Värmland has done a rigorous analysis of Care To Translate and the app has been tested and evaluated by different clinics in the region.
“We quickly saw that this type of translation tool, which is built on medically verified language, is a very good tool when healthcare staff and patients don't have access to interpreters,” says Micaela Fristedt
At Care to Translate, we would like to give Region Värmland a warm welcome onboard! We are glad that you work to give patients a safer, smoother experience (despite language barriers), and your healthcare staff a less stressful work environment.
Read more about the procurement at DI Digital