New Customer: Oslo University Hospital

Oslo University Hospital joins forces with Care to Translate to enhance communication for better care.



We are pleased to announce that we have gained Oslo University Hospital (OUS) as a customer. Care to Translate achieved this important milestone through a framework agreement with the Norwegian region Helse Sør-Øst. The agreement marks an important step forward in language accessibility, both for patients and healthcare providers in the region.

Pilot program success at Oslo University Hospital

Oslo University Hospital is one of the top medical institutions in Norway. Recently, they conducted an extensive pilot of Care to Translate's digital translation tool. Today, the clinics use the tool in their everyday communication as a complement to interpreters.

"With this tool, I can talk to patients and relatives even when an interpreter is not present," says nurse Ingrid Flateby, who works in the pediatric surgery ward.

The Care to Translate tool proved its value and effectiveness during the pilot. As a result, it is now in use in 67 hospital units, and several other units are currently onboarding. The feedback from hospital staff has been overwhelmingly positive:

"Even though different parts of the hospital have different needs, we can use it across the board. With the same tool, we can exchange experiences even if the needs are slightly different. We can choose different topics, such as nurse examinations, transfers, or other topics. Everything that goes with it."

/ Mirka Reinholdt, nurse in the emergency department at Ullevål (Quote from a previously published article)

Expanding reach in Helse Sør-Øst

Besides OUS, several large healthcare providers in Helse Sør-Øst are now using Care to Translate. Hospitals in Vestfold, Vestre Viken, Sørlandet, Akershus, Sunnaas, and Østfold are using the app in their practices. Additionally, Diakohhjemmet Sykehus and Innanlandet are currently testing the app in their clinics.

Improving language accessibility globally

Together with OUS and the hospitals in Helse Sør-Øst, we are working to make a positive impact on the quality of care. For us, this expansion into Norway also signifies a vision: to improve language accessibility at healthcare facilities all over the world.